Hello! I’m Dori, and Aps Fotografía is the name of my enterprise, and also your photography studio in Alcalá de Guadaíra (Seville).
I’ve always had that something that told me that when I grew up I wanted to be a teacher, because I loved being connected with children and babies, but when I finished my degree and took the competitive exams, I realised that it wasn’t my place.
I have also been in love with photography since I was a child (for that I thank my mother), and I said to myself why not combine the two things I like the most?
Kids, and everything related to keeping memories, sounds cliché, doesn’t it? But how important do you think memories are to you? We are not talking about the present now, this work makes it possible for us to give you something of ourselves for the rest of your lives, making me part of seeing your growth as a family and that of your little ones.
But what I find most important is to see how, year after year, we forge a bond that makes you all feel at home when you come here.
I love to invent, and I consider that a problem is that I don’t like to repeat scenarios and I like to give a special and unique touch to each child (except for some campaigns where there is no other way). And I like everything to be perfect in the sessions and in the deliveries.
What would I say if you asked me what kind of session I like the most? Well, I wouldn’t know what to answer because ….
I love taking photos of pregnant women, seeing how a woman’s body transforms and taking photos of them in which they feel their best version of themselves is the best, that’s where it all begins.
I feel reassured by the newborn sessions, seeing how they fall asleep and in the meantime, you are making their memories, in the end I think that’s the most beautiful thing about this job.
On the other hand, I also love seeing my children grow up in their follow-up sessions.
And what about birthdays? If we don’t know how our little ones are going to respond to their birthday cake ….
In the end, the answer to everything is always them, creating their memories is what I love most in the world. And for you, do you think the most important thing for them is that you create them?